Two married couples set out to cheat on their spouses. A man encounters his long-lost fiancé on a bus and a woman disappears in the middle of the night, betrayed by her husband. These seemingly unrelated events are the threads that weave together Speaking in Tongues, a modern-day tale of fractured love and human despair. Now considered an Australian classic, Speaking in Tongues powerfully deepest the emotional labyrinth of relationships that are falling apart.
Theatre Iridescence is a multilingual and multicultural theatre company. Their aim is to celebrate and promote diversity and intercultural understanding through thought-provoking, high quality productions. This year they present Speaking in Tongues in both English and Japanese. Alternating between a local and an International cast, this is a unique opportunity to see two culturally different interpretations of the same play.
Nagoya based, Dutch artist Denise Buisman Pilger created a very special, interactive art piece exclusively for this show. This beautiful piece of art will be on display and up for silent auction in the foyer during the performances of Speaking in Tongues. Come create your own unique version with the characters from the show! Speaking in Tongues, opens today at Chikusa Playhouse and will be performed from June 7th - 9th 2019.
SPEAKING IN TONGUES INFO「饒舌な罪びと」について:Chikusa Playhouse 千種文化小劇場
6/7(金)@15:30(B組) @18:30(A組)
6/8(土)@12:00(B組) @15:00(A組) @18:00(B組)
6/9(日)@11:00(A組) @14:00(B組) @17:00(A組)
※洋キャスト・International Cast=A組, 和キャスト・Japanese Cast=B組
TICKETS・チケットDOOR・当日券 4,000円
Picture by Louise Corry
Picture by Louise Corry
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