I think the weather is mocking me, we're back in Montréal and the sun is shining, perfect weather to wash off all that mud! Oh was it ever muddy out there in Toronto! When driving into Toronto on Friday everything was fine, the sun was shining, not a claud in the sky, well.... maybe a few clouds but nothing major, things were looking good.
One sleeps later, and it is pouring rain! Which, as you know, is awesome when you have to set up your tent and bring in your artwork. Oh well, we're in a park, there's grass and we came prepared, we brought tarps, and actual floor tiles! We're going to be fine... Errrr.... Riiiiight....
Turns out there's a lot of bikers in this particular park, and they have to go off the pathways to avoid the people walking there. So the first meter of what used to be grass next the pathway, is now sort of a secondary dirt path or at least that's what it was when we checked things out on Friday. This morning it's more like a muddy river, looks like my booth is going to have a moat!
Moats are fun and all, when you're in a castle, but when they prevent potential clients from entering your booth, not so much. In the mean time my neighbour has come in with a super fancy 'draw bridge'... really, it was super fancy, look...
All we had was a blue tarp, which by itself wasn't going to solve our moat problem. Luckily my amazing husband has strong Google foo, he found a hardware store only a couple of blocks away and, white knight that he is, he didn't mind a quick trip in the rain to find us our own fancy 'draw bridge'.
Ok, it might not have been as fancy as my neighbour's bridge, this particular hardware store didn't sell wood (and we wouldn't have been able to carry it in the car back to Montréal anyway). But it worked! People were able to enter my booth without drowning and as a bonus it kept my booth relatively free of mud. :)
On Sunday we only had rain in the morning, the rest of the day was nice and dry, until 6pm obviously, the weather was mocking me remember. Right when is was time to pack up the rain gods decided we could use a little sprinkle, just because it's nice to pack up a soaking wet tent, you know :)
Despite the rain the brave people of Toronto did come out to enjoy some art over the weekend! It was not as busy as it might have been had it been dry, but I was surprised, and pleased with the turnout we got. You never make a ton of money on the rainy ones but we did relatively well so I'm happy.
Obviously it would have been nice to have had the clear blue skies that we had on Monday for our drive back to Montréal but then we wouldn't have had our amazing 'draw bridge' and that would be a shame ;-)