What a great week this has been! It all started out wonderfully with a great vernissage for the fifth annual Small works exhibit at Viva Vida Art Gallery (pictures and video here). I always love this one because of the variety of work that is being shown, it’s truly a show that has something for everyone! There’s pottery sculpture, glass, jewellery, prints and original artwork to be enjoyed and because they’re all small pieces the prices are perfect for holiday shopping! If you haven’t had a chance to see the show you should definitely drop by the gallery, it will be up until January 25th 2014 so plenty of time to go see it during the upcoming holiday season.
A perfect opportunity do do this will be on Saturday December 21st when the gallery will have a special holiday open house! Not only will there be amazing affordable last minute shopping opportunities but there will also be holiday themed art workshops for kids and adults that you can participate in for only $5,-! I’ll be doing holiday themed direct transfers and Heather Boyd will be there to teach you how to make your own holiday ornaments! What better way to spend the first weekend of the holiday vacation!
On Wednesday I was part of the We2 Holiday Networking Extravaganza (pictures here). We2 (The Women’s Entrepreneurial Exchange) is an awesome networking group for women entrepreneurs in Montreal and this was their annual holiday event. There was shopping, hot breakfast, networking and more shopping, it was an absolute blast! I met some amazing people and there will be some very proud new art collectors over the holidays :)
And last, but definitely not least! I am very proud to announce that, as of this week, my book is available at the McCord museum boutique! I am super excited about this opportunity! The McCord museum celebrates past and present life in Montreal and they work hard to propel the city to the global stage. They are very involved in the community and offer an interactive and immersive experience. I think my book will be a very good fit in their boutique and I hope it will do well there. They will also be selling some of my greeting cards and fine art prints! Let’s hope this is the first of many new points of sale in the city! (photos by Wanda Malfara)
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