Our trip will be wonderful, I’m going to treat myself to a new camera lens and will have some time to try it out and get some new material for future pieces at the same time. Can’t complain about that. And summer in Montreal is always busy anyways, there’s F1 weekend, 3 whole days on the track in June. The Yes conference is coming up and there’s many festivals and little trips coming up as well. All tons of fun, I can’t complain at all, really. I like summer and having guests over, it’s fun. But.....
I have so many ideas running around in my head, I have my F1 project that begs to be finished and I really want to be able to get all of the photography for my boroughs project done by the end of the summer. And then there are a thousand and one other ideas begging for my attention. A part of me would just like to hide out in the studio and not come out at all, but that wouldn’t be very productive either, I do need my photographs. It’s frustrating, there’s just too little time...
But enough complaining, like I said, I really don’t have anything to complain about. Instead of being frustrated I will head into the studio and start work on my F1 piece. Right now....
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