Now that my solo show has finished I should have time o plenty, that is not the case though. There are so many things fighting for my attention right now that I have a hard time figuring out which things should have the highest priority and what needs to be done first.
When I was preparing for my show things were simple in a way, I had a of of stuff to do, true, but everything for my show had priority so I didn’t really have to think about it. Now things seem a lot more complicated. I have several things going on right now. Most important are the preparations for a presentation I will be giving at the arts association of Beaconsfield on May 18th, there is a lot of prep work that needs to be done for that and the 18th is pretty close so this should be on the top of my list right?
Thing is, yesterday I had a meeting with the woman who helps me with my marketing and every time I come back from a meeting with her there are a thousand new things that I need to take care of. We talked about doing a minor redesign on my website to incorporate my web store and make things more organized. When things like this pop up, my mind tells me that they have to be done right away, which is kind of distracting since I need to be preparing for my presentation. Now I know that the changes on my site can be done at any time and I shouldn’t expect them to be done right away but it is just something that keeps nagging me in the back of my mind until it’s done.
On top of that I have decided on my new project, the one on all the neighborhoods on the island of Montreal and I’m really eager to start on that. Especially since I am planning to do a solo show on that series early next year so I should definitely get started if I want to be finished in time.
Earlier today I visited the Viva Vida Art Gallery where I have some work on consignment and they are showing an interest in doing a solo show later this year which means that I will have to create some new pieces for that as well.
And then there are all the other small things that always need doing, like keeping up with this blog, sending out packages to galleries and entering art shows. All of them minor things but still things that need to be done.
I have downloaded an app for my desktop to keep up with my to do list, I like a good list, especially when there is stuff I can check off of that list. But still I seem to have a hard time getting my priorities straight. That’s why I still started with doing some minor changes on my site as opposed to starting prep work on my presentation first. But I have decided to leave the rest of the changes for later, maybe I’ll work on them tonight a little. After I upload this blog I will first start work on the piece for my presentation and once I get into the flow of things I will probably be fine, things tend to work themselves out. As long as I get started that is...