It has been quite a year, even without the pandemic we knew 2020 was going to be a big year for us. Way back in February I was very lucky to be able to travel to Toronto for the Artist Project, where I introduced my wonderful new series 'World on Washi' to my collectors in Canada.
In June I was able to have a wonderful solo exhibition at Esplanade Gallery, a gorgeous little gallery in Nagoya, with a mandatory mask policy and visits by appointment we were able to have a beautiful, safe and very successful exhibition.
And then in July it was time to say goodbye to beautiful Japan and move back to Montréal, Canada. Of course traveling in the midst of a pandemic was a little challenging and we had a 2 week quarantine to deal with after we arrived but we made it.
In September I had a wonderful, safe and social distanced solo exhibition at Viva Vida Art Gallery in Montréal, it was so lovely to reconnect with my collectors here in Montréal.
In October we moved into our new home in Saint Jerome, about 45 minutes north of Montréal, all our boxes arrived safely from Japan and we're mostly settled now. I have an awesome new studio space where I have been spending a lot of time these last few weeks!
In the mean time I would like to wish you all a wonderful Holiday season and an awesome 2021!