August 26, 2013

Long time no post...

It’s been a while since my last post, mostly because I’ve spent about a week playing games and having all kinds of fun at GenCon2013. My husband and I are avid board gamers and big fans of a large variety of geek culture, with more then 49.000 unique attendees this was another record breaking year for GenCon and we had an absolute blast! The people at this convention are absolutely amazing, not only is it very well organized but the general public is so nice, there’s no pushing or shoving and everyone is inviting and helpful, and even with a record breaking number of attendees they manage to keep the restrooms clean! 

So that was awesome! but now it’s back to real life and back to the studio, which is never a bad thing either. The final bits of text for the book will be send out for proofreading and translation today. I will have another meeting about the organization of the show later this week and I’m finishing up this commission piece I’ve been working on for months now. 

Yesterday was the deadline for the giclee print choices for my IndieGogo backers, so today I’ll be preparing all the images for printing and sending out the order. There will be a couple of extra prints made that will be available for sale at the vernissage later this year and all of them will, at that time, be available to order as well. 

The design for the book is coming along as well. Most of the pages are just awaiting the final bits of text and I have a bit more work that needs to be done on the cover but it is all taking shape. 

During my trip to GenCon I picked up a whole bunch of new art supplies as well so I’m ready to start my new project. I’m looking forward to a whole bunch of experimenting in the studio!

August 06, 2013

Working on those pictures...

All pieces have been photographed, I’m currently retouching them and making sure the colours are good and all that good stuff. Rewrites are done and ready for the final edit which is scheduled for August 23rd. I’ve received the first part of the text from the translator and started the actual creation of the book, it is all starting to take shape. 

in the meantime I’m working on finishing a commission piece and preparing to start a new series, can’t give you any details on that yet, because there’s a lot of experimenting that needs to be done first. Looking forward to that!

Have to keep moving on retouching these images, l8er!