Yeah, I know, I know, I am supposed to create two pieces in two weeks and I'm working on this Ottawa piece for at least three weeks already. It has been a tough ride this one, somehow it took me a bit longer to get into it this time, life just seems to be getting in the way. I haven't had many days to spent solely in my studio, something that usually really helps a piece along. I haven't been sitting still though. I have done a lot of resin work on some of my older pieces and I'm looking into building my own website so I'm doing some workshops and researching the different possibilities. Currently I'm looking into the difference between Squarespace and and I'm not sure which way to go yet.
I'm also working on getting a solo show going for april 11-24 in downtown Montreal so that is taking some of my time as well, funny thing is that I decided on my two pieces a week schedule because of this solo show in the first place. Oh well, I'm sure things will work out, April 2011 is a long way off still.
For now Ottawa is getting along nicely, I'm in the finishing staged of the 'puzzle' phase so soon I will be able drive the girl at the copy shop crazy again. I already have a nice big canvas waiting for 'Toronto', which will be my next piece. I'm very excited about that piece, somehow I think Toronto will do very well for me! I hope to be able to start that one by the end of this week. Next week will be a difficult week for artwork as well because I'm going to do some game testing for Ubisoft on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, fun but not very productive art-wise. So as you can see, things are moving, they are just a little bit slower going then I would want them to be.