April 14, 2019

Spring and special projects

Hikone Castle
Sakura season is a big deal in Japan, the blooming is predicted months in advance and Sakura forecasts are broadcasted on the news nation wide. Here in Nagoya the trees were predicted to start blooming around March 22, but of course, the trees don't care about any of this. Early spring has been a bit colder this year so the flowers were not so eager to come out and play. On March 22 they were still nicely bundled up in their buds and we were left waiting.

An advantage of the colder weather is that the flowers actually last a little longer this year so we've had plenty of time to enjoy their beauty, Hanami (flower viewing) parties with friends, evening strolls along Sakura lined rivers and fairytale like views of ancient castles, Sakura season in Japan is truly magical!

While all that beauty is going on outside, inside my studio I have been busy creating some beauties of my own. I'm working on a very special collaboration project with Theatre Iridescence, a local theatre company here in Nagoya. I'm creating a very special, interactive piece for their 2019 production 'Speaking in Tongues' which will be performed at the Chikusa Playhouse 千種文化小劇場 on June 7-9, for detailed information about the show and how to get tickets visit their website.

On Saturday we had a wonderful evening celebrating the opening of 'Journey' a group exhibition at Gallery White Cube here in Nagoya. If you didn't have a chance to join us on Saturday the exhibition runs until April 21st so there is still plenty of time to visit. The exhibition features works of 10 talented artists from different countries and backgrounds with diverse art practices. It is an effort to present another perspective from the outside world, by different individuals living in the same environment in Japan. 

The exhibition is free and open to the public so please don't hesitate to visit! 
Gallery hours are as follows: 
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Closed
Thursday April 18th - Sunday 21st 1 - 5pm

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